The web root /var/www/html is mounted on EFS
Mounting with usual AWS advised command and General Purpose EFS sudo mount -t nfs4 -o nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2 html
The system works as expected.
We seem to be running out of EFS credits so fast, I can't figure out what is taking out all the bandwidth and call credits. - PHP Opcache is turned on - PHP Opcache does not validate timestamps either, so no stat required to check if file has been modified. - AllowOverride on Apache is set to None (no .htaccess scanning, etc)
If I curl for a single .php file, I can see via tcpdump that there are no nfs calls after the initial call which is great. tcpdump -vvv -s 200 port nfs
Even if my test.php includes other .php files to test out, there are no calls to the server.
However, if I do a tcpdump and curl to the Zend Framework Application, there are several calls. This is just to the ZF application (no images, being downloaded). All the PHP files are to be on opcache so I am not sure what all these calls are for.
Any idea what is causing this huge bandwidth on EFS? We seem to be using up 300MB every 5 mins for a simple application.