I have a CentOS web server that uses Windows Authentication from a 2012 r2 server on the network.

Here is my issue:

When I log on, all directories ls -l shows:

ls -l
drwxr-xr-x.  3 jbailey@domainname.com apache   17 Sep 25 14:46 jbworkarea

After a set time, about 3-5 minutes, all permissions for my username change to a number:

example (same directory):

ls -l
drwxr-xr-x.  3 1869806575 apache   17 Sep 25 14:46 jbworkarea

At that point all SCP file system (WinSCP...) connections report that I do not have privileges. To restore, (even though my username is in sudoers, I do not need to be sudo) to just:

chown "jbailey@domainname.com" .

Then all privs report fine with ls -l and with WinSCP... For the next few minutes. Any help would be appreciated.

Edit: Here is #realm list

type: kerberos 
realm-name: MYDOMAIN.COM 
domain-name: MYDOMAIN.com 
configured: kerberos-member 
server-software: active-directory 
client-software: sssd 
required-package: oddjob 
required-package: oddjob-mkhomedir 
required-package: sssd 
required-package: adcli 
required-package: samba-common-tools 
login-formats: %U@MYDOMAIN.com 
login-policy: allow-permitted-logins 
permitted-logins: myname@mydomain.com, ... , ... permitted-groups
James Bailey
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1 Answers1


The band-aid for now is to run a cron job every 2 minutes, running chown (which is obviously updating some tables somewhere)

*/2 * * * * chown "jbailey@mydomain.com" /home/jbailey@mudomain.com
  • 3,639
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  • 36
James Bailey
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