Using the OMSA tool in Windows Server 2008 R2 I have created a new RAID 5 array and virtual disk called Vault.

I have created this RAID from 6 x 1TB physical HDDs. This is how it appears in OMSA;

enter image description here

enter image description here

As you can see, the total storage capacity is 4,655GB - shouldn't it be larger as I am using 6 x 1TB HDDs? None of the disks are assigned a hot spares.

Also, I would like to dedicate one hot spare the the Vault virtual disk, but when I click 'Assign/Unassign Dedicated Hot Spare' the following message appears;

Storage Management only displays those disks that can be used as a hot spare. There are currently no disks that are available, large enough, or of the correct type to be used as a hot spare for this virtual disk.

Do I need to reconfigure the virtual disk in some way in order to assign a hot spare?

The only options I see are;

  • Blink
  • Unblink
  • Offline

Note: there is currently no data on the virtual drive so I can safely re-create and/or reconfigure.

Any advice is appreciated.

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1 Answers1


If there is no data on the virtual drive simply delete it and re-create. This time when allocating hard drives, select all but one. Then at the final step you can select this as the hot spare.

Hope this helps.

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