We have a Debian server which runs Tomcat, inside it, a single WAR is deployed which listens for incoming MQTT messages, processes them, and forwards the result to different third-party web services (depending on the received message). Mostly everything works fine, but once in a while (almost daily right now) we start to experience what I think are communication issues (network), receiving errors like:
- Connection reset
- Connection timed out
- Host unreachable
Is there any way I can diagnose such issues and get metrics or alike that could reflect some kind of network resource outage or similar problems?
Operating System
Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 8.6 (jessie)
Release: 8.6
Codename: jessie
Linux tomcat-ws 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.36-1+deb8u2 (2016-10-19) x86_64 GNU/Linux
java version "1.7.0_111"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.6.7) (7u111-2.6.7-2~deb8u1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.111-b01, mixed mode)
Apache Tomcat/8.0.14 (Debian)