I am running the check_raid script on a number of machines and I just noticed today that one of my machines was in a degraded state but I was not being alerted. The script is returning "CRITICAL" but Icinga sees it as ok.

Here's what I'm seeing on my Icinga machine (I have replaced the disk):

SNMP OK - "CRITICAL: tw_cli:[c3(9650SE-4LPML): u0(RAID-10): REBUILDING 65%, Cache:Ri, Drives(4): p2=DEGRADED p0,p1,p3=OK]" 

The configuration for this machine is very simple:

define service{
use generic-service
host_name test
service_description RAID Status
check_command check_raid

Here's the command definition:

define command{
command_name    check_raid
command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_snmp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -o ucdavis. -C public -r "OK"

And on the machine being checked I have the following in the snmpd.conf:

extend . /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/check_raid.pl

I'm using the latest version of the script, anyone have any ideas about what I'm doing wrong? Is the -r "OK" always returning an ok?

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1 Answers1


The nagios script is matching 3 of your 4 return conditions, which is why it returns OK.

From check_snmp documentation:

-r, --ereg=REGEX
   Return OK state (for that OID) if extended regular expression REGEX matches

Your script returns the following (edited by me for brevity):

"CRITICAL: [...] p2=DEGRADED p0,p1,p3=OK]" 

The check_snmp sees p0, p1, p3 are OK and returns OK, ignoring p2

I would try it without the -r "OK" and confirm you get the results you expect. If the incorrect return result persists, I would experiment with --invert-search:

    Invert search result (CRITICAL if found)
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  • That was it - I didn't understand what the -r was doing. I have changed my command to: command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_snmp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -o ucdavis. -C public -r "CRITICAL" --invert-search Now it works properly: SNMP CRITICAL - *"CRITICAL: tw_cli:[c3(9650SE-4LPML): u0(RAID-10): REBUILDING 94%, Cache:Ri, Drives(4): p2=DEGRADED p0,p1,p3=OK]"* Thanks! – Bob Nov 03 '16 at 17:52
  • Good to hear! Yes, I was going to edit and suggest -`r "DEGRADED" --invert-search` (or replace "DEGRADED" with the condition for which you want to receive a critical alert. Glad you found a fix. – StandardEyre Nov 03 '16 at 17:57