Script is at Server:


if [ ! $# == 1 ]; then
echo "Usage check_cluster "
host1=`sudo /usr/sbin/clustat|grep $1| awk {'print $2'}`
host2=`sudo /usr/sbin/clustat|grep $1| awk {'print $3'}`
service1=`sudo /usr/sbin/clustat|grep $clu_srv| awk {'print $1'}`
if [[ "$host2" == "$error" ]] || [[ "$host2" == "$error1" ]]; then
echo "CRITICAL - Cluster $clu_srv service failover on $host1 and state is '$host2'"
echo "OK - Cluster  $clu_srv service is on $host1 and state is '$host2'"


It receives thee argument from script correctly. When I running this script manually at Server from command line it returns correct information, for example:

# /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_rhcs-ERS NFSService
OK - Cluster  NFSService service is on NODE1 and state is 'started'

But when I tried with the script (check_nrpe) remotely with following command its showing incorrect information:

# ./check_nrpe -H localhost -c check_rhcs-ERS
OK - Cluster  NFSService service is on  and state is ''


# command[check_rhcs-ERS]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_rhcs-ERS  NFSService

What is Wrong with the script, How to fix it?

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  • Modify the script to log its output so you can see what it's doing. For example: Add `-x` to the first line (`#!/bin/bash -x`) and immediately after that add a new line after that to capture the stderr+stdout output to a logfile (`exec > /tmp/nrpetest.$$.log 2>&1`) then call the script via NRPE again. Review the log file that is generated to see where the script is failing. – Gene Aug 16 '16 at 07:55
  • Additionally, nrpe checks rely on the return code (or "exit code") of the script/command to determine whether the check returned OK, WARNING, or CRITICAL status. Your last `if` statement should include appropriate `exit` commands to return the desired return code. https://nagios-plugins.org/doc/guidelines.html#AEN78 – Gene Aug 16 '16 at 08:17

2 Answers2


Your NRPE user most likely doesn't have permissions to run commands with sudo access.

To allow this, you can add the line below to your /etc/sudoers file using visudo. You can also omit the NFSService part if you don't want to restrict that part.

nrpe ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/clustat NFSService

That said, your script does need improving. It also only takes one parameter, not three - the $2 and $3 variables are awk arguments, not bash parameters.

My partially-edited version is below:


if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
  echo "Usage check_cluster " >&2
  exit 1



host1=$(sudo /usr/sbin/clustat | grep "${clu_srv}" | awk '{ print $2 }')
host2=$(sudo /usr/sbin/clustat | grep "${clu_srv}" | awk '{ print $3 }')
service1=$(sudo /usr/sbin/clustat | grep "${clu_srv}" | awk '{ print $1}')

The error-handling part of your script needs clarifying - what conditions do you want to catch? Your OK output gives the status for host2, but says that the service is on host1.

Craig Watson
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  • Thanks for the help..Already Given the permission to nrpe user. May be something wrong with the script. – Gaurav Aug 16 '16 at 07:49
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    If it works using your user, there is nothing wrong with the script. You can elevate yourself to the `nrpe` user's shell by running `su nrpe` as root - if you get bumped back to your root shell, you can change the user's shell in `/etc/passwd` - just remember to change it back when you're done debugging. – Craig Watson Aug 16 '16 at 07:51
  • I already debugged before using root user, its showing same result.I thing there is no issue for permissions. – Gaurav Aug 16 '16 at 07:57
  • You said that you "running this script manually at Server from command line it returns correct information". Can you please clarify? – Craig Watson Aug 16 '16 at 08:01
  • Using nrpe user I can run the script manually at server from cmd line...Actually I gives all right to nrpe user but still same result occured. – Gaurav Aug 16 '16 at 08:42

If you have configured sudo correctly its probably a problem with Requiretty, you should tell sudo not to require for nrpe.

See sudoers: how to disable requiretty per user

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