This post combined with Install Sensu using YUM was used in order to install, configure and start Sensu and related services:

sudo yum install -y erlang && \
sudo rpm -Uvh http://www.rabbitmq.com/releases/rabbitmq-server/v3.5.0/rabbitmq-server-3.5.0-1.noarch.rpm && \
sudo yum install -y redis && \
echo '[sensu]
enabled=1' | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/sensu.repo && \
sudo yum install -y sensu && \
sudo yum install -y uchiwa && \
for s in rabbitmq-server redis.service sensu-server sensu-api uchiwa; do sudo systemctl restart $s; done && \
sudo rabbitmqctl add_vhost /sensu && \
sudo rabbitmqctl add_user sensu secret && \
sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p /sensu sensu ".*" ".*" ".*"


  • Navigating to :3000 shows the uchiwa dashboard and indicates Connection error. Is the Sensu API running?
  • /var/log/sensu/sensu-api.log indicates

{"timestamp":"2016-07-03T22:58:58.532905+0000","level":"warn","message":"config file does not exist or is not readable","file":"/etc/sensu/config.json"}
{"timestamp":"2016-07-03T22:58:58.533069+0000","level":"warn","message":"ignoring config file","file":"/etc/sensu/config.json"}
{"timestamp":"2016-07-03T22:58:58.533137+0000","level":"warn","message":"loading config files from directory","directory":"/etc/sensu/conf.d"}
{"timestamp":"2016-07-03T22:58:58.712175+0000","level":"info","message":"api listening","protocol":"http","bind":"","port":4567}

  • The config.json does not seems to exist (/etc/sensu/config.json: No such file or directory)
  • Downloading the example config.json and restarting the sensu-api did not solve the issue

  "rabbitmq": {
    "host": "localhost",
    "vhost": "/sensu",
    "user": "sensu",
    "password": "secret"
  "redis": {
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 6379,
    "password": "secret"

  • the redis port is listening:

LISTEN     0      128                     *:*

  • the rabbitmq port as well:

LISTEN     0      100          *:4567                     *:* 
  • Uchiwa cannot connect to the datacenters

  "sensu": [
      "name": "Site 1",
      "host": "localhost",
      "port": 4567,
      "timeout": 10
      "name": "Site 2",
      "host": "localhost",
      "port": 4567,
      "ssl": false,
      "path": "",
      "user": "",
      "pass": "",
      "timeout": 10
  "uchiwa": {
    "host": "",
    "port": 3000,
    "refresh": 10

{"timestamp":"2016-07-03T23:34:32.990067621Z","level":"warn","message":"GET http://localhost:4567/stashes returned: 500 Internal Server Error"}
{"timestamp":"2016-07-03T23:34:32.990102095Z","level":"warn","message":"Connection failed to the datacenter Site 1"}
{"timestamp":"2016-07-03T23:34:32.990115588Z","level":"info","message":"Updating the datacenter Site 2"}
{"timestamp":"2016-07-03T23:34:32.991462585Z","level":"warn","message":"GET http://localhost:4567/stashes returned: 500 Internal Server Error"}
{"timestamp":"2016-07-03T23:34:32.991492978Z","level":"warn","message":"Connection failed to the datacenter Site 2"}

  • navigating to <IPADDRESS>:4567 results in:

{"error":"redis and transport connections not initialized"}

  • redis replies

sudo redis-cli ping

  • redis password was set, but the issue persists

sudo redis-cli> auth secret
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    Changing the `redis.json` to use IPv4 only (i.e. `` instead of `localhost` fixed it for me...) (But my `sensu-api.log` showed return code 500) – Gert van den Berg Nov 09 '17 at 16:01

3 Answers3


I first got RabbitMQ working when I set up correct SSL config in rabbitmq.json, it shows an example on the Sensu Website. After that it only said: "error": "not connected to redis"

I then got Redis working by changing from "localhost" in the sensu config to "". Since Redis wasn't listening on IPv6 and "localhost" resolved both ::1 & it didn't work properly.

This was a fresh install on Debian 8.

Max Gebert
  • 33
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The sensu-client seems to require a running rabbitmq-server. As this message broker did not seem to be running neither the sensu-client was able to start, nor the Uchiwa dashboard was able to monitor it.


If the following error:

{"error":"redis and transport connections not initialized"}

is shown and redis is listening, please check that rabbitmq is running and check the rabbitmq port using rabbitmq-status:

sudo systemctl status rabbitmq-server


Today the above error was shown and when the rabbitmq port was checked it appeared that a certain port was not listening:


As SSL was configured, port 5671 should be configured in /etc/rabbitmq.config. Once the messagebroker server was restarted the ssl port 5671 started to listen and the issue was solved:


my rabbitmq config is :

{rabbit, [ 
{ssl_listeners, [5671]},
{ssl_options, [{cacertfile,"/etc/rabbitmq/ssl/cacert.pem"},
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Jaber Zare
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Verify that sensu-api is configured and running. On centos-7.x systemctl status sensu-api
to start the servive systemctl start sensu-api

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