I've recently found the Terminator terminal emulator for Gnome. I really like this

There is a Terminator written in Java.

For windows it is lightyears ahead of the installed rxvt.

However, I have found that it suffers the same limitations as iConsole, namely with keybindings.

Has anyone suggestions for Terminal emulators on the Mac?

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10 Answers10


For Windows PuTTY is the obvious choice. It's lightweight but has all the functionality I've ever needed.

There are ports of PuTTY to various Operating Systems including various mobile phone versions. There is a Mac port of PuTTY but I've never used it.

David Webb
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I use ZOC for work on remote servers SSH/Telnet and programming routers directly (null modem cable) on both Windows and Mac. Locally I'm mostly too lazy to start it up and instead just open a Terminal.app

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MobaXterm is a terminal for Windows, with an X server and a set of Unix commands (GNU/Cygwin) packaged in a single portable exe file.


I like iTerm as a free replacement for the standard Apple Terminal.app. Particularly for the bookmarks feature that the standard Apple offering lacks. Keybindings are also configurable...

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I used iTerm under Tiger, and was pleased that Terminal had been enhanced for Leopard. It wasn't quite good enough, but I found that with some tweaking, Terminal is pretty good. [This echoes my answer to the How to setup the Mac OS X Terminal so it’s just peachy?]

Here is what I did to tweak Terminal to my liking:

Install SIMBL so that the application can be extended, with things like:

  • TerminalColors allows you to change the the standard text colours (so, for example, a colorized ls output won't look awful)
  • Tab Namer let you name your tabs.
  • Terminal Tab Switcher let you use hotkeys to switch between tabs (instead of windows).
  • Visor, makes terminal drop down (like the Quake console) at the push of a key combo.

Then, install some nice mono-spaced programmer fonts. I like Droid Sans Mono, Envy Code R, and Inconsolata. Set up a nice theme. (IR_Black is a nice one to download.)

Lastly, and not really relevant to which terminal emulator you are using, the open command is really nice when working on the Mac in conjunction with the GUI. open . opens the current directory in the finder, and open filename opens the file as though you'd double-clicked on it in the Finder. pbcopy and pbpaste are handy, too.

Clinton Blackmore
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I usually Stick with putty, but for a while I was using Ponderosa. Its written in .NET.

It has a tabbed interfaces, and offers serial connections. You can even invoke a local cygwin shell.

Justin Dearing
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I use Ubuntu Linux all the time and I've never found a problem with the built in gnome terminal.

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On linux my favourite is KDE3's "Konsole", the KDE4 version is OK, but not quite as good.

I've found gnome-terminal to be near unusable for serious work due to stupid keybindings.

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There is a pretty good writeup on a few alternatives here

Personally I have never found much of a need to seek a replacement for the built-in terminal.app

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I always hated PuTTY.

I used to buy SecureCRT, but now I use the Mac terminal client mostly. For linux, I generally use the default, but most of the work that I do is on my MacBook Pro.

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