If someone with quite good kubernetes's services understanding could confirm me that once you require a new service to be created kubernetes push a reference of it on the etcd database and what is the URL to request it would be wonderful!!!

Dr I
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1 Answers1


All data is kept in etcd by the apiserver.

You can get a list of services with:

kubectl get services

If you want to get the definition from etcd:

    # etcdctl --peers http://$(hostname):2379 ls
    # etcdctl --peers http://$(hostname):2379 ls /registry
    # etcdctl --peers http://$(hostname):2379 ls /registry/services
    # etcdctl --peers http://$(hostname):2379 ls /registry/services/endpoints
    # etcdctl --peers http://$(hostname):2379 ls /registry/services/endpoints/default
    # etcdctl --peers http://$(hostname):2379 get /registry/services/endpoints/default/kube-dns
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