Powershell would be a great way to monitor these services. Oddly enough, I was just reading a blog about this today. I will try to link the script if I can find it, but the general gist of it would be:
1.) Find services that are set to start automatically.
2.) Check the state of the service.
The trick is that the
cmdlet does not output any sort of 'StartupType', so you will have to use the Win32_Service WMI object instead.
Foreach($Server in $ServerList){
Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Server Win32_Service |
Where-Object {$_.StartMode -eq 'Auto' -AND $_.State -eq 'Stopped'}
This should get you a list of services fitting your desired parameters.
There are a couple of notes to this:
1.) I would highly recommend you have this script start a couple of minutes after the servers start up as the $_.StartMode -eq 'Auto' will encompass services set to start immediately after booting AND ones set to start automatically after a delay.
2.) There will be services that will be returned through this one-liner that you probably do not care about monitoring. (I.E. on my laptop, a service called "TrustedInstaller" fit this criteria and was returned as a stopped service :/ ) So you would most likely need to filter out these as well.