In DNS domain


there are two machines

host.domain.local. =
srv1.domain.local. =

host.domain.local. is KDC for Kerberos realm DOMAIN.LOCAL,
srv1.domain.local. is a KDC for Kerberos realm RC.DOMAIN.LOCAL.

There's an unidirectional trust between RC.DOMAIN.LOCAL and DOMAIN.LOCAL:

RC.DOMAIN.LOCAL ===trusts===> tickets from DOMAIN.LOCAL,

but not vice-versa.

The KDC for RC.DOMAIN.LOCAL on srv1 have been set up with an OpenLDAP- backend according to


with its OpenLDAP backend on host.domain.local, reachable by


There is also a local OpenLDAP installed (but diabled) on srv1, thus there exist local ldap.conf etc. on srv1 to be taken into consideration.

When I start the KDC on srv1 manually in a (srv1) root session

root@srv1:~# krb5kdc

everything works fine.

When I attempt to start the KDC on srv1 by the system init scripts

root@srv1:~# /etc/init.d/krb5-kdc start


root@srv1:~# service krb5-kdc start

a TLS dialog between the krb5kdc on srv1 and the slapd on host fails; the combined syslog is

14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: daemon: activity on 1 descriptor
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: slap_listener_activate(6): 
14:46:44 srv1 krb5kdc[3206]: krb5kdc: cannot initialize realm RC.DOMAIN.LOCAL - see log file for details
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: >>> slap_listener(ldaps://
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: daemon: listen=6, new connection on 10
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: daemon: added 10r (active) listener=(nil)
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: conn=1037 fd=10 ACCEPT from IP= (IP=
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: daemon: select: listen=6 active_threads=0 tvp=NULL
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: daemon: select: listen=7 active_threads=0 tvp=NULL
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: daemon: activity on 1 descriptor
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: daemon: waked
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: daemon: select: listen=6 active_threads=0 tvp=NULL
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: daemon: activity on 1 descriptor
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: daemon: activity on:
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]:  10r
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: 
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: daemon: read activity on 10
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: connection_get(10): got connid=1037
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: connection_read(10): checking for input on id=1037
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: connection_read(10): TLS accept failure error=-1 id=1037, closing
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: connection_closing: readying conn=1037 sd=10 for close
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: connection_close: conn=1037 sd=10
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: daemon: removing 10
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: daemon: activity on 1 descriptor
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: slap_listener_activate(6): 
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: >>> slap_listener(ldaps://
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: daemon: listen=6, new connection on 10
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: daemon: added 10r (active) listener=(nil)
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: conn=1038 fd=10 ACCEPT from IP= (IP=
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: daemon: select: listen=6 active_threads=0 tvp=NULL
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: daemon: select: listen=7 active_threads=0 tvp=NULL
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: daemon: activity on 1 descriptor
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: daemon: waked
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: daemon: select: listen=6 active_threads=0 tvp=NULL
14:46:44 srv1 systemd[1]: krb5-kdc.service: control process exited, code=exited status=1
14:46:44 srv1 systemd[1]: Failed to start Kerberos 5 Key Distribution Center.
14:46:44 srv1 systemd[1]: Unit krb5-kdc.service entered failed state.
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: daemon: activity on 1 descriptor
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: daemon: activity on:
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]:  10r
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: 
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: daemon: read activity on 10
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: connection_get(10): got connid=1038
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: connection_read(10): checking for input on id=1038
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: connection_read(10): TLS accept failure error=-1 id=1038, closing
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: connection_closing: readying conn=1038 sd=10 for close
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: connection_close: conn=1038 sd=10
14:46:44 host.domain.local slapd[1778]: daemon: removing 10

The /etc/ldap/ldap.conf on srv1 is

rootdn "cn=admin,cn=config"
rootpw {SASL}admin@DOMAIN.LOCAL
BASE    dc=domain,dc=local
URI ldaps:// ldapi:///
TLS_CACERT /etc/ldap/ssl/cacert.pem

thus that mostly refers to the srv1-local slapd, but it's, as far as applicable, on the successful manual krb5kdc start on srv1 overridden by the effective

.ldaprc  for root@srv1: 

URI             ldaps://host.domain.local:636
TLS_REQCERT     demand
TLS_CACERT      /root/secret/cacert.pem
TLS_CERT        /root/secret/root.srv1.domain.local-cert.pem
TLS_KEY         /root/secret/private/root.srv1.domain.local-key.pem

and by the dbmodules section of /etc/krb5kdc/kdc.conf on srv1

    LDAP = {
        db_library = kldap
    ldap_kdc_sasl_mech = EXTERNAL
    ldap_kdc_dn = cn=krb5kdc,dc=rc,dc=domain,dc=local
    ldap_kadmind_dn = cn=kadmind,dc=rc,dc=domain,dc=local
    ldap_service_password_file = /etc/krb5kdc/ldap_stash
    ldap_kerberos_container_dn = cn=realm,dc=rc,dc=domain,dc=local
    #ldap_servers = ldap://host.domain.local:389
    ldap_servers = ldaps://host.domain.local:636

root@srv1:~# ldapwhoami


SASL/EXTERNAL authentication started
SASL username: cn=root.srv1.domain.local,ou=...


root@srv1:~# ldapsearch -b "" -s base -LLL supportedSASLMechanisms


SASL/EXTERNAL authentication started
SASL username: cn=root.srv1.domain.local,ou=...
supportedSASLMechanisms: EXTERNAL

srv1 runs with amd64 Debian 8 "jessie":

krb5-kdc-ldap     1.12.1+dfsg-19 
ldap-utils        2.4.40+dfsg-1+deb8u1
libaprutil1-ldap  1.5.4-1
libkldap4         4:4.14.2-2+b1
libldap-2.4-2     2.4.40+dfsg-1+deb8u1

The Debian-conformant point for additional KDC configuration is /etc/default/krb5-kdc:

# [...]
# LDAPRC=.ldaprc

As you can see from that, I tried to manually rebuild a propoer TLS environment for the KDC startup script, but to no avail yet.

So - why does the KDC work perfectly from an interactive root shell, but fails from the init script and what to do about the latter?

1 Answers1


It appears that the OpenLDAP-backed KDC simply needs a the CA certificate located

in a valid ssl certificate directory,

where it can find its server's keys and certs as well, e.g. /etc/ssl on my srv1 box; e.g. altering the TLS_CACERT entry in



TLS_CACERT  /etc/ssl/certs/cacert.pem

made the init script working.

That's not the only measure that would work, one could e.g. also try and set

    LDAP = {
        # [...]
        ldap_cert_path = ...
        # [...]

in /etc/krb5kdc/kdc.conf (untested) or add


to Debian's /etc/default/krb5-kdc (tested).