Openldap 2.4 support SASL password passtrough authentication ( ).
This feature allows to delegate the authentication process to saslauthd daemon and mantains the other attributes in openldap.
This feature requires to replace the actual userPassword value with a string "{SASL}username@realm" so you can't use SHA1 password and SASL authentication for the same user.
Furthermore SASL can use PAM as backend authentication method.
PAM has a module that allow to use free radius authentication.
The full chain of authentication will be:
OpenLDAP Server --> saslauthd --> pam module with radius --> Freeradius server
There are two other way to solve this problem:
if your web application supports PAM authentication create a pam module that use both freeradius and ldap authentication
If your web application supports Radius authentication configure a freeradius with a OpenLDAP as backend
SSH supports already PAM and Radius authentication(the last one using a pam module).