I have configured WSUS server in order to preserve bandwith in the network wile keeping essential updates turned on using that WSUS.
Intranet WSUS server pointing to client pc and other settings are pushed via group policies in Domain controller 2003.
Following policies are configured in the domain..
Computer configuration section
User configuration section
and its correctly configured in the clients in this manner..
yet I wish to disable/remove ,
(1) Ability for users to check the updates (since its automatically scheduled to install at friday 4 pm)
(2) Ability for users to install the updates
(3) ability to check online for updates from windows (Only i want wsus to be the source of download)
If I out line above 3 facts, in the windows 7 client settings its below what i Wish to disable
Is this possible using existing Server 2003 Group policies ? To achieve above 3 requirements? As clients we do have windows xp,7,8,8.1 that needs above 3 requirements.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.