I see two different places where I can configure which Nagios server my NRPE clients will speak with.

The first one, while configuring NRPE to run under xinetd:

only_from       = mon1.company.com

The second one, in the /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg file:


My question is:

  1. Incase both are configured (nrpe.cfg and xinetd/nrpe) - Which configuration is stronger? Meaning, which one will override the other?
  2. If they do not override each other, should they both be configured?
Itai Ganot
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1 Answers1

  1. If you configure both (and really use NRPE from xinetd), the xinetd configuration is stronger in the sense that a NRPE process will never be spawned if the originating host didn't match, so the configuration you do in the NRPE config fill will never be evaluated.
  2. I don't see a reason to do this. It might be a very little bit stronger, but you also increase the chance for misconfigurations. However, you have to be careful if you decide to drop xinetd in favor of a daemon mode for NRPE.
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  • I found old servers in my company which both directives are configrued but NRPE is not responding there from the Nagios server, so i thought it could be problematic and worth a question.. thanks. – Itai Ganot Dec 02 '14 at 13:27