My server has 24 cores, 16 GB RAM, and 8 SSDs on raid 0 (I think).

I've noticed it is now using a low of swap space, even though there is plenty of RAM available.

load average: 2.70, 2.54, 2.50
Mem:  16303072k total,  1546160k used, 14756912k free,     9200k buffers
Swap:  2097144k total,   471084k used,  1626060k free,   552448k cached

Do you know what could be causing something like this and how I can fix it?



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  • Depends on the workload. The cache is telling me that something ran that ate up tons of RAM, then stopped. Your load average tells me that this server is doing *something*. What do you use it for? – Nathan C Oct 10 '14 at 12:03
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    Why would you fix something that is not broken? – mailq Oct 10 '14 at 12:05
  • As the Nathan C said. Some software ran that used huge amount of RAM, and then stopped. What you can think about, is that maybe for database got a huge burst of queries in short time, or your website got unusual amount of visits? – kazy Oct 10 '14 at 12:07
  • There _isn't_ lots of RAM available. – Michael Hampton Oct 10 '14 at 13:40
  • take a look at - http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ – Oliver Bayes-Shelton Oct 10 '14 at 15:55

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