I want to check inodes via snmp for linux system, set up check. I could not find the correspondent MIB. Can any one help me to get information about inodes prozent ?

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1 Answers1


which version of net-snmp you are using? you might have to upgrade your package. this MIB has inodes information:


dskPercentNode OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX  Integer32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS  current
    "Percentage of inodes used on disk"
    ::= { dskEntry 10 } 
  • 5,747
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  • I use NET-SNMP version: But i grep the hole list and a i can not find dskPercentNode! – Abdou Sep 10 '14 at 13:08
  • that version is supposed to have it, but you could be using a buggy version. you might want to try to update it in your distribution first if you can. in any event, even 5.4 is a bit old by now, as centos 6 already uses 5.5, and centos 7 has been out for a while. – johnshen64 Sep 10 '14 at 13:13