The setting: Two fresh CentOS 6.5 server with latest updates. Both have a fresh install of Gluster 3.5.2.

What I did ( from the perspective of server 2, shared1 and shared2 are logical volumes ) :

wget -P /etc/yum.repos.d http://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/LATEST/CentOS/glusterfs-epel.repo
yum -y install glusterfs glusterfs-fuse glusterfs-server -y
/etc/init.d/glusterd start
chkconfig --level 345 glusterd on

echo " server1" >> /etc/hosts
echo " server2" >> /etc/hosts

gluster peer probe server1
gluster volume create shared replica 2 transport tcp server2:/shared2 server1:/shared1 force
gluster volume start shared

mount.glusterfs server2:/shared /mnt/shared

gluster peer status

This worked perfectly, and I have a nice shared filesystem on /mnt/shared on both servers. The command set was executed on each server respectively, and modified to match that server's perspective.

The testing:

If I press the reset button on server1, I have a horrible ~45 second delay in using or accessing files on /mnt/shared

I did search for a solution on google, glusterfs admin guide, and on serverfault, but no one seems to have this issue.

Any advice on how to lower the timeouts, or ignore a down peer temporarily? A read-only state during failover is fine as long as there's no delays. Or, just tell me what I did wrong, or did not do.


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1 Answers1


You may be suffering from the client ping timeout setting as its default is 42 seconds. Run the following to check:

gluster volume info shared

The parameter you are looking for is "network.ping-timeout". You can change this by running

gluster volume set shared network.ping-timeout "new timeout value"

See if that reduces the recovery period.

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    This was exactly my issue. Thanks for pointing out this not-so-easy to find gem. – Robert Mar 22 '15 at 02:05
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    The 42 seconds default can be found at https://gluster.readthedocs.org/en/latest/Administrator%20Guide/Managing%20Volumes/ – cherouvim Apr 22 '16 at 14:52