Our server architecture is as follows:

  • Windows 2008 Server RC2
  • WampServer with Apache 2, PHP 5, MySQL 5
  • Dedicated connection hits firewall, which is routed to a single web server with multiple vhosts each on their own IP

We are now upgrading this infrastructure to something more scalable as we grow. One thing we're looking at is cloud. Obviously cloud computing can be tricky to transition to, especially for a small company like ours, as there seems to be hidden costs everywhere.

One thing we are trying to figure out is how many concurrent connections there are made to our server. Our potential new provider charges a set amount for every 100 connections per hour averaged over the month. What is the best way to work this out?

  • 78,442
  • 20
  • 178
  • 229
Leonard Challis
  • 23
  • 3
  • 12
  • 26

0 Answers0