
I have a server with high cpu and ram, they are not getting hit hard.

I am trying to hit 4,000 concurrent connections.

I have done:

1) increase mysql max connections

2) update prefork settings in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

<IfModule mpm_prefork_module>

    StartServers 100
    MinSpareServers 10
    MaxSpareServers 10
    ServerLimit 40000
    MaxClients 40000
    MaxRequestsPerChild 1000


What other steps should can i take?

Nabil A
  • 51
  • 1
  • 5

1 Answers1


Without (re)writing an entire guide on Apache and system tuning in general, a common set of changes would be:

  1. mpm_worker
  2. fastcgi php
  3. php caching/acceleration
Mark Sturgill
  • 889
  • 5
  • 9