I'm reading Monitoring Routers and Switches page, in particular "Monitoring SNMP Status Information" section.


In the example above, the "-o ifOperStatus.1" refers to the OID for the operational status of port 1 on the switch. The "-r 1" option tells the check_snmp plugin to return an OK state if "1" is found in the SNMP result (1 indicates an "up" state on the port) and CRITICAL if it isn't found. The "-m RFC1213-MIB" is optional and tells the check_snmp plugin to only load the "RFC1213-MIB" instead of every single MIB that's installed on your system, which can help speed things up.

So, I'm trying out their example:

# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_snmp --hostname=X.X.X.X --community=X --protocol=X --oid=ifOperStatus.5 -r1 -m RFC1213-MIB
SNMP OK - 1 | RFC1213-MIB::ifOperStatus.5=1 

interface returns SNMP OK - 1 - interface is "up". I took another of interface down and ran same command for that interface.

# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_snmp --hostname=X.X.X.X --community=X --protocol=X --oid=ifOperStatus.6 -r1 -m RFC1213-MIB
SNMP OK - 2 | RFC1213-MIB::ifOperStatus.6=2 
# snmpwalk -Os -cX -vX X ifOperStatus.6
ifOperStatus.6 = INTEGER: down(2)

returns SNMP OK - 2 - interface is down

I can't figure out how to get -r1 to work properly, because even though it sees that interface is down, it passes to Nagios as its OK. Any ideas what am I doing wrong?

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  • check_snmp v1.4.15 (nagios-plugins 1.4.15) – alexus Jan 10 '14 at 20:30
  • no, sorry( I don't feel comfortable running executable from a 3rd party sites on my computer, not to mention it may not be even compatible w/ my system at the first place. – alexus Jan 10 '14 at 21:58
  • there seems to be a bug (or I'm doing something really wrong) `-r1` isn't working for me, I was able to get it going through `-c1` instead. – alexus Jan 10 '14 at 22:04
  • @user2196728 don't get so disappointed) it only makes sense _NOT_ to run executable from sources that you don't trust)) – alexus Jan 10 '14 at 22:10

1 Answers1


as "work around" (even though it really not), one can use -c or -w instead of -r, as -r seems to have some sort of bug.

# ./check_snmp --help | grep -E 'critical|warning'
 -w, --warning=THRESHOLD(s)
 -c, --critical=THRESHOLD(s)


# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_snmp --hostname=X.X.X.X --community=X --protocol=X --oid=ifOperStatus.6 -c1
SNMP CRITICAL - *2* | IF-MIB::ifOperStatus.5=2 
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  • .. same thing, I think the problem is it doesn't do _ANY_ matching at all, I can do `-ruser2196728` and it'll still say `OK` – alexus Jan 10 '14 at 22:27
  • @user2196728 yeah, I already found it too) so I was right, it _IS_ a bug) – alexus Jan 10 '14 at 22:29
  • dude, take it easy there) you going give yourself a heart attack( i was trying to get it going and I wasn't sure 100% if I was doing it right or wrong so I came here to ask community (which you're part of) at the end of the day solution is in place, so it's all good). I'd like to thank _YOU_ personally for your time and help) – alexus Jan 10 '14 at 22:39