I set my apache server with ajp to connect to my jboss server and it is working fine. But when I go to my domain http://mydomain.com, I see the jboss root page. I was wondering if I could use mod rewrite so when they type http://mydomain.com it gets redirected to http://mydomain.com/myapp. I just enable modwrite, but I tried to set it on my virtualost, and configtest send me an error when I was trying to set RewriteRule inside virtualhost.. Looking at the rule RewriteRule goes on the .htaccess. I have also other domains and apps on that machine so I dont want to set a global rule..

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Juan Diego
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1 Answers1


Consider this example:

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ProxyRequests off
  ProxyPassMatch ^/(app|app2|app3)(.*) ajp://localhost:8009/$1$2 ttl=120 ping=1

What this snippet does is to match the incoming request against some known patterns and use the capabilities of mod_proxy and mod_proxy_ajp to pass that request to the backend, using backreferences ($1 and $2).

This way, you can use a VirtualHost entry to publish every applications hosted in the backend container, provided it can use an AJP listener.

Check the apache online docs for a detailed explanation on the rest of the parameters (ttl and ping)

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