Is there a good (free) way to generate simple subversion reports on a Windows system? The report I have in mind is ... what commits have been made by user X in the past Y days, showing commit comment and timestamp, sorted chronologically, broken out by day.

Kamil Kisiel
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2 Answers2


What about StatSVN? I think it comes close to what you are looking for. From their website:

StatSVN retrieves information from a Subversion repository and generates various tables and charts describing the project development, e.g.

* Timeline for the lines of code
* Lines of code for each developer
* Activity by Clock time
* Authors Activity
* Author activity per Module
* Author Most Recent Commits with links to ViewVc
* Stats per directory
* File count
* Average file size
* Largest files
* Files with most revisions
* Directory Sizes
* Repository Tags Number of LOC per version.
* Repository tree with file count and lines of code
* LOC and Churn the evolution of LOC and the amount of change per day
* Repo Map the dynamic hierarchical view of your repo for the last 30 days
Ludwig Weinzierl
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arent show log and some features provided by tortoise enough?

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  • I want a single document that I can cut and paste into a status report... Tortoise makes me cut and paste each commit separately – JoelFan Aug 07 '09 at 18:18