Its my first time that i have a vserver with plesk - i always deleted plesk and worked without it because i didnt liked it but now i try with and it doesnt work as i want it.

installed magento here:


my vhost is this:

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName localhost.name.com
ServerAlias www.localhost.name.com

DocumentRoot /var/www/name/public_html/magento/public

LogLevel warn
ErrorLog /var/www/name/public_html/magento/log/error.log
CustomLog /var/www/name/public_html/magento/log/access.log combined

my hosts file on my mac is this one:

serverip localhost.name.com

not localhost.name.com

if i now type localhost.name.com in my browser plesk says that this is Web Server's Default Page so i assume its working. but when i try to install magento (localhost.name.com/index.php/install) it says "The requested URL /index.php/install was not found on this server."

But i checked it via ls /var/www/name/public_html/magento/public and all my magento files are installed.

Jonny Vince
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