Our main site is hosted on Godaddy, and we have subdomain A records pointing to ec2 instances. We want to secure the subdomains with a wildcard SSL certificate, but in the Godaddy request wizard which option should we select? Presumably the 'Third Party or Dedicated Server' option?


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1 Answers1


Yes, the Third Party or Dedicated Server or Virtual Private Server (VPS) without Simple Control Panel, as long as you are not hosting it in Godaddy's servers with their hosting control panel. This is the case as your site is hosted in a VPS outside your Godaddy's account. Please read instruction #9 on this link from Godaddy's site.

Daniel t.
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  • Thanks. Just to clarify, our main site 'example.com' _is_ hosted by Godaddy, but I altered the A records of the subdomains 'admin.example.com' and 'docs.example.com' to point to our static EC2 IPs. A Godaddy wildcard certificate, as I understand it, will automatically cover any subdomains _and_ the main site. So we still need the Third Party certificate? – ChrisM Feb 28 '13 at 23:38
  • The wildcard matches only for *.example.com, not your root domain(example.com). But you can make it work for both by using the `subjectAltName` set to example.com, *.example.com - check this link for help http://support.godaddy.com/help/article/4649/adding-or-dropping-subject-alternative-names-from-ucc-certificates – Daniel t. Feb 28 '13 at 23:49
  • Also - http://serverfault.com/questions/310530/should-a-wildcard-ssl-certificate-secure-both-the-root-domain-as-well-as-the-sub – Daniel t. Feb 28 '13 at 23:50