I have several iis servers setup visibly identically in different environments (Dev/Test/Staging/etc). Within iis, I have an app pool "MyApplicationAppPool" and three web applications running within that app pool: MyApplication1, MyApplication2, MyApplication3.
When I open up perfmon and try to monitor the performance counter instance associated with an application, I can't seem to find all of them. For instance, I can find
\SERVERNAME\ASP.NET Apps v2.0.50727\_LM_W3SVC_1_Root_MyApplication1 \SERVERNAME\ASP.NET Apps v2.0.50727\_LM_W3SVC_1_Root_MyApplication3
But I can't find
\SERVERNAME\ASP.NET Apps v2.0.50727\_LM_W3SVC_1_Root_MyApplication2
My Question: What makes these "instance names" show up in perfmon? Why do some applications seem to create an instance name but others don't?
I'm running on IIS6 on Windows Server 2003