I have a website secured by a standard SSL certificate, securing a few different shops under different subdirectories. Ex. domain.com/shop1/ The shops are also accessible via a subdomain e.g. shop1.domain.com.

What I'm trying to accomplish: display shop1.domain.com to the user, while keeping all of the actual server calls as domain.com/shop1, so that the secure pages will continue to work properly. (Not sure if I'm using the proper language, exactly, I hope my point is clear.)

To be clear: my SSL is working fine, and I don't need help with that, and I don't need or want to purchase a UCC cert.

It can't be that difficult for anyone with experience with Apache. (I've spent 3 hours trying to learn about mod_rewrite. It's just not clicking.) I'm on a GoDaddy secure shared server, so please keep in mind that I'm not able to reset the server or anything.

Jeff H.
  • 13
  • 2

1 Answers1


You do in fact need to purchase a more flexible SSL certificate for this to work.

The domain name that a user's browser validates the certificate against is the one that is "displayed to the user" - if their address bar says "shop.domain.com", then the certificate must cover that domain.

Shane Madden
  • 112,982
  • 12
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  • Ah, well bugger. Can I do a simple redirect from, for example, shop1.domain.com to domain.com/shop1 that will work whether or not SSL is invoked by a particular page? – Jeff H. Sep 09 '12 at 01:21
  • I'd 'Vote Up' your answer, but apparently I don't have the reputation to do so. – Jeff H. Sep 09 '12 at 01:22
  • You can redirect from the HTTP version of the subdomain, but users would get a browser warning from the subdomain before the redirect kicks in if they visit `https://subdomain.domain.com`. You can't upvote yet, but you should be able to mark the answer as "accepted" which awards rep by clicking the gray check mark under the voting buttons. – Shane Madden Sep 10 '12 at 06:09