After reading the vague official doc of GNU screen( ) and asking quite some questions at this site. I still cannot figure out how to accomplish such a task with a shell script. This task costs some words to describe.
Assume I'm using PuTTY to telnet into my Linux server.
【STEP 1】 Launch 2 telnet connections .
From putty window 1 (PTWIN1),telnet into Linux Bash shell, execute screen -RR
to launch a screen session, and get session name 21385.pts-4.linux-ic37 .
From putty window 2 (PTWIN2), do that same as in PTWIN1, but this time, I get session name 22041.pts-9.linux-ic37 .
Now, we have two screen sessions running simultaneously. We can check this:
$ screen -ls
There are screens on:
22041.pts-9.linux-ic37 (Attached)
21385.pts-4.linux-ic37 (Attached)
2 Sockets in /var/run/uscreens/S-chj2.
【STEP 2】
Assume that for some reason, PTWIN1's TCP connection is lost abnormally(but server doesn't know that), and an urgent work is pending on session 21385 and I want to quickly regain control of it. Fortunately, we know the 21385 session is still there, so, I want to have PTWIN2 attach to session 21385. Because I hate to remember the esoteric screen option all the time, so I decide to write a script called sttach.
I hope that
sttach 21385.pts-4.linux-ic37
can let me attach to session 21385(for PTWIN2).
Now, let's say sttach works well and I take control of 21385 on PTWIN2.
【STEP 3】
Some minutes later. I want to go back to work on session 22041. Here, please allow me to have PTWIN2 remain associated with session 21385. What I would like to do is to launch another putty window (PTWIN3), telnet into server, and execute
sttach 22041.pts-9.linux-ic37
in hope that I can resume session 22041 on PTWIN3 .
You can see the benefit of sttach: as long as I know the target session name, I can call it to have my PuTTY window switch to that session, regardless whether the target session is "(Attached)" or "(Detached)", and regardless whether the running context is inside a screen session or not.
Now the question: How to write the (Bash) script sttach? I mean, run screen with appropriate options in sttach to accomplish the goal.
Waiting for your kind answer. Thank you.
My previous questions regarding GNU screen:
- GNU screen, how to get current sessionname programmatically
- Is it possible to change GNU screen session name after created?
- How do I know I'm running inside a linux "screen" or not?
My env: openSUSE Linux 11.3, GNU screen 4.00.03 (FAU) 23-Oct-06