Our current situation: We have one Opennebula cloud infrastructure consisting of a cluster controller and 6 cluster nodes configured and working. All Nodes run debian instances on top of a kvm hypervisor. We have done this as a part of a school project. Unfortunately the school has not given us any requirements regarding software that should run on the infrastructure.

We are now looking for a software which can run on top of that infrastructure to demonstrate the power of distributed computing. Is there any kind of benchmark available that will stress-test the cloud or any other kind of load testing software.

We couldn't come up with any idea how a program could directly leverage the cloud infrastructure. The opennebula documentation and wiki were of no help either.

Kenny Rasschaert
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1 Answers1


There don't seem to be many benchmarks to choose from. You may want to have a look at the CloudSuite by EPFL. It includes detailed information on how to setup and run benchmarks for Data Analytics, Data Serving, Media Streaming, Software Testing, Web Search and Web Serving for Cloud Environments.

There is also a benchmark called CloudCMP by researchers from Duke University and Microsoft Research. I haven't tried it, but it might be useful for you.

Florian Feldhaus
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