I'm looking for a web based intranet search solution to index some intranet network shares with PDF / Doc / Textfiles etc. and maybe also an intranet wiki. Microsoft has the Search Server Express, which looks promising but the minimum requirements are far too high for my needs. I would prefer a small footprint solution, which could be run as VM like the turnkey linux appliances or something similar.
The ideal would be something like Google Search or Copernic Search running as web server standalone, although with some authentication provided by the SBS in our network.
This answer looked quite promising, but I would prefer something more easier to handle/install, where you mainly have to configure the places to index and maybe some document types and exclusions.
Does anyone has a recommendation here or some pros / cons?
After some time experimenting with Constellio I found it rather hard to install. That is maybe also a result of my lack of experience with Apache Tomcat, but it didn't really ran out of the box or even when I got it to run, only the web indexer worked, other things silently failed. It has a nice UI, but it would be really helpful, if the were any preinstalled virtual applicances to run out of the box as a starting point. So I'm still looking for an alternative ( or a running Constellio installation). Documentation is also relatively small.