My application needs mod_rewrite and AllowEncodedSlashes enabled on httpd.conf. It also needs some php extensions to be enabled but I can't find how to change those settings on my host's pannel.

Can I do it programatically?

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1 Answers1


Most shared hosts do not allow directly editing httpd.conf.

But you can always put those directives in a .htaccess


If some setting is not allowed by a shared host in your .htaccess file, most likely the hosting provider deems it either unsafe or a privilege only for VPS and Dedicated Customers.

But all hosting providers I have dealt with (I never had a hosting account with GoDaddy so cannot speak about them) were flexible if your needs are genuine. So you can always talk to them and try to justify your need for some configuration setting and maybe you can get lucky.

As for the list of available PHP Modules, the only place which can give you an answer is your Hosting Support or the Community forums of the provider, in your case http://community.godaddy.com/

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