2 Answers2


I had the same problem and this was the only promising looking search result.

My problem was, that I was using a wrong version of the active record gem. I had version 3.1.0 installed. But with version 2.3.11 it works fine. Hope this helps.

  • I add to remove more than juste activerecord -v=3.1.0 (activesupport, actionmailer, etc (but just for 3.1.0)). But then, it worked. I removed many gems before trying again so I don't know which one was the core of the problem. Thanks for your help! – Cyril N. Sep 16 '11 at 09:53

I downgraded activerecord 3.1.0 to activerecord 2.3.11, but still had the problem. Like ServiusHack, mentioned. Downgrading activeresource from 3.1.0 to 2.3.11 did the trick for me.

Thanks for the advice guys!