Is there a utility built into the Mac software to allow for burning ISO downloaded from the internet.

Or.. Is there a better utility on the Net for performing this function?

Thank you,

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Keith Sirmons
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    I, for one, am glad this question got answered before Jeff closed it, because I administer Macs and have not previously had the occasion to burn an ISO. – Thomas L Holaday May 07 '09 at 16:34

4 Answers4


The Built in Disk Utility can do it.

Chris Shaffer
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  • its really confusing to use the first time but after you figure it out it makes sense. I still remember wondering how burning a ISO that way was "easy" but I don't even think about it now – trent May 01 '09 at 15:55
  • Worked Great. Even putting a blank disk into the Mac gave me the option of opening Disk Utility – Keith Sirmons May 01 '09 at 19:15

The steps below show how to use the Disk Utility functionality. (Copied from Life Hacker).

  1. Launch Disk Utility (Applications > Utilities).
  2. Insert your blank DVD or CD.
  3. Drag and drop your .dmg or .iso file to the left pane in Disk Utility. Now both the blank disk and the .iso/.dmg should be listed.
  4. Select the .iso/.dmg file you want to burn to disc, and click on the Burn button. A dialog box confirming the destination (your blank CD/DVD) will appear, as shown:
  5. Sit back and wait while your new disc gets written!

Alternatively you could use a third party application like Burn

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  • Might want to cut-n-past those steps to your answer, in case LH decides to change their link format, etc. – joev May 01 '09 at 16:21
  • Good idea. Didn't realise that Life Hacker material was Creative Commons. – Mark May 01 '09 at 21:09

Coming with the OS in /Applications/Utilities/ is a program called Disk Utility. You can either click the Burn icon or from the Image menu chose Burn... (Command-B) and then find your ISO.

Alternatives that are available: Roxio's Toast, Burn, and a few others. Toast has the most features (eg. mount an ISO that Disk Utility won't, burn/mount bin/cue files) but costs ~$80 USD.

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I use Disco for this and they make it quite easy. However if you want o stick to something built-in I recommend taking a look at these links as I believe there is a way to do such a thing through the Disk Utility:




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