I know of Putty. I currently use rxvt (via Cygwin).

Is there a more "integrated" terminal program for Windows out there? e.g. something closer to KDE's kconsole -- where I can have multiple shells all tabbed within the same window. etc.

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Aaron F.
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12 Answers12


So far as I know, Putty is the best open-source non-commercial SSH client for Windows. For tabbed sessions there is http://puttycm.free.fr/cms/

You could also look at commercial programs such as Reflection for Unix and SecureCRT. (Edit:) They both offer tabbed sessions.

Another option might be Putty + screen (man screen)?


Summary of programs suggested in this & other answers and comments

In no particular order.

Prices for commercial products are indicative only, check before choosing

I thought it would be useful to have a concise list. For votes, see also below.

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kiTTY is an up-to-date port of the venerable old puTTY. It supports tabbed sessions and a bunch of other niceties/tweaks to the original puTTY.


Unfortunately, not many people know about this fork yet. If you are currently using puTTY, I would highly recommend kiTTY.


I know you already accepted an answer, but I hate Putty and there IS another tool out there for Windows users. A lot of people say Putty is the best - probably because it's the only tool they know about for Windows clients. I thought it was the only option as well until I found Poderosa.

It offers multiple panes/sessions per window, multiple tabs, simple font/color customizations, background images/colors - and probably a few more things I haven't found yet.

It's the only tool I use now for telnet/ssh/console(serial) terminal shell sessions. It might be what you're looking for.

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I am using SecureCRT.

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check for MobaXterm, a terminal console for windows which allows ssh, public keys, X forwards, multi-tabs, and many linux commands in windows environment.

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Absolute Telnet seems to offer some of what you're looking for, including tabbed connections.

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mRemote is an Open-Source 'connection management' app. (It has since been sold to another company, but the source is still available.) In addition to PuTTy sessions (you need to have it installed), it'll also manage RDP v6, VNC, HTTP and so on.

Development has stopped on mRemote and moved to the new product, but it's fine at the final release, v1.50

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I use the ssh client in Cygwin's port of the OpenSSH package all the time in Windows XP. The thing I like most about it is that it works pretty much exactly the same way as the ssh on every UNIX and Linux, in terms of capabilities, command-line options, and config files. This means you can cruise the UNIX and Linux forums for help and hints, and their suggestions will almost always apply to the Cygwin client.

Steven Monday
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I use Console on windows which gives me the tabbed interface, and cygwin underneath, so i get ssh, bash, etc.

It's nice because you can also have a tab with cmd running, or whatever shell you need.

Console is available on sourceforge.

Dr. McKay
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I'll add +1 to those suggesting PuTTY, but in conjunction with WinSCP at the same time; that way you can have WinSCP handle the login details and jump into PuTTY at the touch of a key.

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It might also be worth mentioning MindTerm, an SSH client written entirely in Java. This is useful on computers with restrictions or policies about allowed programs.

The most useful (and portable) way to run MindTerm is via the Java applet, over at http://rumkin.com/tools/ssh/


http://www.cryptzone.com/products/mindterm/ Nindterm is also located here. Java based, and lots of goodies.

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