I'm using subversion, how to do this:

import files under /target but excluding those under /target/download1 and /target/download2

Anyone can provide a demo?

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    Please consider revisiting some of your questions. Mark things as accepted if you have received a useful answer, or add comments or revise your questions with any additional details so we can get more of your questions resolved. – Zoredache Jun 08 '10 at 06:41
  • Similar answer solved at stackoverflow.com: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/736856/svnignore-property-during-import – mkudlacek Jun 08 '10 at 06:56

1 Answers1


Quick-and-dirty solution:

  • Move /target/download1 and /target/download2 to /tmp
  • svn import /target http:/url.to.your.repo/trunk/path
  • If necessary, move download1 and download2 back to /target

The last step is probably not necessary, since your /target directory will not be under version control afterwards, you will need to checkout to a new directory anyway, this will then have your desired structure.

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