I had Ubuntu 8.10. I upgrade it to 9.04. I have Openerp5.0 server/client/web. It worked on 8.10 but not with 9.04.

Now when I try to launch my server using:


I have this error:

ERROR: Import xpath module
ERROR: Try to install the old python-xml package

It seems that this version of openerp doesn't work with python2.6. Can I redirect openerp to use old version of Python?

3 Answers3


Google is your friend: http://exploringopenerp.blogspot.com/2009/04/running-openerp-on-ubuntu-904.html

Lennart Regebro
  • 315
  • 1
  • 10

please upgrade your openerp version to 5.0.6, and install python-lxml

  • 131
  • 2

You need to edit the conf file so that it runs with python2.5 explicitly.

Alan B
  • 503
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  • 15