I want to have a script that does the following thing:

  1. connect to a remote windows machine
  2. get the list of applications that are currently open on the machine, e.g exactly what I would get in the "applications" tab in the task manager, and print it.

Is it possible to do that in batch? If not, what other options do I have?

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  • tasklist will show you all running processes. Works in most newer versions of windows. – Kiwi Mar 12 '10 at 13:25
  • @kiwi - Thanks, but I don't want processes, rather applications – olamundo Mar 12 '10 at 13:33
  • Well how could your OS tell the difference between applications and processes? – Kiwi Mar 12 '10 at 13:44
  • @kiwi - if I open taskmanager -> the "applications" tab, the OS shows me what I want, so apparently it has a way of telling the difference... – olamundo Mar 12 '10 at 13:53

1 Answers1


If you have powershell installed, the following will get you a list of running applicaitons when run locally

gps | ? {$_.mainwindowtitle.length -ne 0} | select name, mainwindowtitle

If you have Powershell V2 installed on the machines you want to query, and remoting enabled, you can then run:

invoke-command –computername <remote computer name> 
{gps | ? {$_.mainwindowtitle.length -ne 0} | select name, mainwindowtitle}
Sam Cogan
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