I have the following use case:

  • An http backend application running behind an oauth proxy
  • An OAuth proxy that authenticates users before authorizing access to the backend application

In some cases the application behind the proxy has another authorization method that also needs to be verified. Accessing through a browser seems to work fine as soon as I'm logged in into the oauth proxy... however, using CLI (i.e: curl) it doesn't work because I need somehow to pass 2 different authorization headers

After some reading I thought about sending 2 headers:

  • Proxy-Authorization
  • Authorization

The proxy-authorization needs to be sent to the oauth proxy, and the authorization is sent to the application.

For that I would add an auth-snippet setting the Authorization for the auth-url authentication and set the Authorization with the value of Proxy-Authorization

Something like that:

    nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-signin: https://oauth.mydomain.net/oauth2/start?rd=https://myapplication.mydomain.net
    nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-url: https://oauth.mydomain.net/oauth2/auth
    nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-snippet: |
        proxy_set_header Authorization $http_proxy_authorization;

And then set the Authorization to the Authorization header on the configuration-snippet

    nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/configuration-snippet: |
      proxy_set_header Authorization "$http_authorization";

Well, it doesn't work, I'm still redirected to the oauth page to login with a 302

I also tried using $proxy_authorization instead of $http_proxy_authorization and tried setting proxy_pass_request_headers on.

Any clue on what I can do to achieve that?

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