We are planning to make a recommendations engine for the features in the app and we were thinking about using GCP Recommendations AI. Then, we ran into some unclear areas due to lack of examples.

  1. GCP Recommendations AI is not only for shopping sites, right? I saw a movie rating example by Google. (https://cloud.google.com/retail/recommendations-ai/docs/movie-rec-tutorial#objectives)

  2. Can we use Google Tag Manager for iOS (with Firebase Analytics) to send real-time event data to GCP Recommendations AI? Could you please provide some docs/examples/articles that explains how (We are using Swift to code the app)? It is possible for web sites, according to docs. (https://cloud.google.com/retail/recommendations-ai/docs/record-events#gtm)

  3. When we send POST requests from iOS (swift) to GCP, is there a way to get access-token for the header field "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)" using Firebase iOS SDK? Could you please point us to some resources that we can follow. If it's not possible to do easily, what is the easiest secure method that you recommend? Any resources? (example use case - https://cloud.google.com/retail/recommendations-ai/docs/record-events#write)

Could you guys please help us with these?

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