I have a 2 sites:

  • Synology A ( - running VPN Server (
  • Synology B ( - running VPN Client (connecting with

I'm trying to setup Hyper Backup from Synology A (source) to Synology B (destination).

I was able to connect using Open VPN from Synology A to Synology B but I'm not able to setup Hyper Backup from Synology A specifying as destination IP.

Firewall is setup as:

on Synology A

  • ports: all, source, protocol: all, action: allow
  • ports: all, source, protocol: all, action: allow

on Synology B

  • ports: all, source, protocol: all, action: allow
  • ports: all, source, protocol: all, action: allow

However, I'm still not able to connect. What am I missing?

Update: Synology B is setup with Hyper Backup Vault and has pre-existing HB backups and it works when using direct connection (not via VPN). The reason I want to use VPN is to have Synology B on 4G connection and mobile data plans use shared public IPs, therefore I cannot have direct incoming connections, but apparently this is achievable using VPN.

1 Answers1


Ok so changing a bit my networks (that probably doesn't matter)


Synology A ( - running VPN Server (


Synology B ( - running VPN Client (connecting with

Synology A (VPN Server)

enter image description here

Synology B (4G VPN Client)

I imported openvpn profile.

enter image description here

Here I have VPN reconnect handling script that runs every 5 minutes: https://github.com/ianharrier/synology-scripts/blob/master/reconnect-vpn.sh

enter image description here

So now VPN Server on Synology A sees the client connected:

enter image description here

And so HyperBackup can be setup given VPN client's IP address:

enter image description here

Opening firewall ports wasn't necessary.