The purpose of this question is to mention two things that I cant understand. I want to ask if they are related, in order to know if I should contact the domain vendor or not.

I currently have one IP and I'm using Nginx to serve two sites:

Erratic behaviour: Almost a week has passed since I set up the latter with the following configuration (GoDaddy conf., translated from Spanish). Nevertheless, sometimes entering "tictactoe-neural.net" in Chrome directs me to GoDaddy.com (the company that sold me the domain).

Another problem: Entering www.tictactoe-neural.net (instead of tictactoe-neural.net) directs me to ai-friendly.com; I dont understand if that is an Nginx directive, a matter of one domain having been set up before the other, something related to the mentioned domain vendor, or another thing.

I know I should contact the vendor about the erratic behaviour, but dont know if the second item ("another problem") should be mentioned too.

GoDaddy conf

Type    Name    Value   TTL Actions
A   @  1 hora  Modify
A   @   Parked  600 seconds Modify
CNAME   www @   1 hour  Modify
CNAME   _domainconnect  _domainconnect.gd.domaincontrol.com 1 hour  Modify
NS  @   ns01.domaincontrol.com  1 hour  
NS  @   ns02.domaincontrol.com  1 hour  
SOA @   Main server name: ns01.domaincontrol.com.   1 hour

Nginx configuration file.

server {
    server_name ai-friendly.com;
    root /usr/share/nginx/html;
    location / { try_files $uri @app; }
    location @app {
        include uwsgi_params;
        uwsgi_pass flask:5000;
        uwsgi_read_timeout 180;

server {
    server_name tictactoe-neural.net;
    root /app-tictactoe;
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  • regarding your second question, try setting all the domains that redirect to your site as server_name variants. http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/server_names.html – Joaquin Brandan Apr 12 '21 at 00:32
  • @JoaquinBrandan thank you as that fixed the "weird" redirecting; now www.tictactoe-neural.net redirects to GoDaddy (the Domain vendor). – Gaston Apr 12 '21 at 00:50

1 Answers1


Your DNS records tell the story. You have two A record entries for the root of the domain - one pointing to “Parked” and one to an IP (presumably your web server). WWW is created as a CNAME that points to @, or the root.

Remove the “parked” entry so it doesn’t create conflicts, as you actually have a web server.

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  • This answer shows the relation between both problems. I have done what is advised and after some prudential time I expect to mark it as Accepted. – Gaston Apr 12 '21 at 15:15