I am an snmp beginner and have created a custom MIB and included it in snmpd.conf via pass persist.
pass_persist . /usr/bin/env python3 -u my_script.py

While I can successfully query the data, the returned data is a mix between the OIDs and the textual representation of OIDs.

Something like SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.56947.1.1.1

If I query, for example the UCD MIB (. I get the full textual representation, like UCD-SNMP-MIB::memIndex.0 which corresponds to .

As far as I know the UCD Mibs have been merged into net-snmp itself and may work differently than my own MIB.

My MIB (ommited some parts for brevity)

  MODULE-IDENTITY, enterprises, Integer32

 -- identify stuff
 ::= { enterprises 56947 }

product1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { myMIB 1 }
product1Data OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { product1 1 }
objectCount OBJECT-TYPE
  SYNTAX      Integer32
  MAX-ACCESS  read-only
  STATUS      current
  ::= { product1Data 1 }


But is this behavior by design or am I missing something?

My excpectation/wish would be to receive something like MY-MIB::objectCount

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  • Where did you put your MIB document? If not loaded by NET-SNMP commands, you see things like `SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.56947.1.1.1` – Lex Li Feb 23 '21 at 14:39
  • I put it into `/usr/share/snmp/mibs` where I found all the other MIBS. Does the file name have to correspond to the name at `DEFINITIONS` in the file? – Arikael Feb 23 '21 at 16:00
  • http://net-snmp.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Loading_your_own_MIBs – Lex Li Feb 23 '21 at 16:22
  • I mixed up agent and manager and thought the tools like `snmpwalk` and `snmptranslate` use the config `/etc/snmp/snmp**d**.conf` but they use `/etc/snmp/snmp.conf`. In this config (on the manager machine) I added the line `mibs +MY-MIB` and it worked. Also add your mib file to your manager/client – Arikael Feb 24 '21 at 08:55
  • You should post that as an answer and accept it. – Lex Li Feb 24 '21 at 14:13

1 Answers1


I mixed up agent and manager and thought the tools like snmpwalk and snmptranslate use the config /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf (note the d at the end) but they use /etc/snmp/snmp.conf.
I added line
mibs +MY-MIB
in /etc/snmp/snmp.conf (on the manager machine) and it worked.

Also add your mib file to your manager/client (I added mine to /usr/share/snmp/mibs)

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