I am a mobile application developer. I use Google Cloud bucket to store 10-second videos and photos that I use in the application. Thousands of users use the application every day, and I want to use a CDN to ensure that the content of the application is delivered to users with minimum delays and maximum speed.

At the moment, I have only found an opportunity to create a bucket within one region to choose from: the USA, Europe, and Asia. How to create a universal bucket in Google Cloud Platform for storing application content, which would determine the user's location and serve content from the server closest to the user?

Thank you!

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1 Answers1


There's a good answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39802631/is-google-cloud-storage-an-automagical-global-cdn

tl;dr: don't worry about it as Google will handle edge caching of objects in Google Cloud Storage anyway - as per this link:

'Cloud Storage essentially works as a content delivery network. This does not require any special configuration because by default any publicly readable object is cached in the global Cloud Storage network.'

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