I'm trying to delete the forwarding rule, target proxy, url map and backend services that belong to an extinct k8s ingress.

I successfully delete the forwarding rule and target proxy but then when I go to delete the url-map I get this:

 gcloud compute url-maps delete k8s-um-prism-feature-password-workflow-unit-tests-prism-ingres0 --quiet
ERROR: (gcloud.compute.url-maps.delete) Could not fetch resource:
 - The url_map resource 'projects/project-id/global/urlMaps/k8s-um-prism-feature-password-workflow-unit-tests-prism-ingres0' is already being used by 'projects/project-id/global/targetHttpProxies/k8s-tp-prism-feature-password-workflow-unit-tests-prism-ingres0

k8s-tp-prism-feature-password-workflow-unit-tests-prism-ingres0 is not the name of the target proxy it belonged to, but I go ahead and try and delete it anyways and get:

gcloud compute target-https-proxies delete k8s-tp-prism-feature-password-workflow-unit-tests-prism-ingres0 --quiet
ERROR: (gcloud.compute.target-https-proxies.delete) Could not fetch resource:
 - The resource 'projects/project-id/global/targetHttpsProxies/k8s-tp-prism-feature-password-workflow-unit-tests-prism-ingres0' was not found

1 Answers1


If you want to forcefully delete the LoadBalancer you can do something like

kubectl edit svc YOUR_SERVICE

And look for this line:

  - service.kubernetes.io/load-balancer-cleanup

and remove it from the yaml, save and quit and it should remove the LoadBalancer

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