I have some computers with Win 10, Outlook 2016 and roaming profiles. I want to access email through Exchange ActiveSync

When I configure Outlook, the OST File ist stored in %userprofile%\appdata\local\Microsoft\Outlook

So far, so good. However, Outlook saves the path in the registry with C:\users\username\appdata\local\Microsoft\Outlook without using the variable

This causes a problem if the user profile is stored under C:\users\username.domain on another computer. This can happen if the "username" folder already exists.

What I‘ve found/tried so far:

  • Setting KEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\ForeOSTPath as explained in https://support.microsoft.com/de-at/help/2752583/you-cannot-change-the-location-of-the-offline-outlook-data-file-ost-in This did not work. Even after creating a new Outlook profile.

  • Disabling the „Cached Mode“ is not available. I think this Option is only available with „Microsoft Exchange“ but not with „Exchange ActiveSync“ (whatever the difference is)

  • Setting a sybolic link, as mentioned on some websites, doesn't seem to be a good solution, since under certain circumstances windows create user profile folders with a suffix.

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