I'm trying to connect to an LDAP server running slapd, using the net_ldap ruby gem. I'm able to perform the bind action using the cn of the user, but I need to use the uid.

The LDAP server was created by ClearOS and is otherwise untouched, standard configuration.

Here's my ruby code:

      host: "",
      port: 389,
      base: "dc=company,dc=lan",
      auth: {
        method: :simple, 
        username: 'cn=Andrew Faraday,ou=Users,ou=Accounts,dc=company,dc=lan',
        password: "secret"

That works fine, but what I really want to do is log in using the uid rather than the cn, e.g.

        username: 'uid=ajfaraday,ou=Users,ou=Accounts,dc=company,dc=lan',

Here's the result of a successful ldap search (fairly heavily redacted):

dn: cn=Andrew Faraday,ou=Users,ou=Accounts,dc=edge,dc=lan

uidNumber: 2004

gidNumber: 63000

homeDirectory: /home/ajfaraday

clearAccountStatus: enabled

sambaAcctFlags: [U          ]

sambaDomainName: company

sambaBadPasswordCount: 0

sambaBadPasswordTime: 0

uid: ajfaraday

givenName: Andrew

sn: Faraday

objectClass: top

objectClass: posixAccount

objectClass: shadowAccount

objectClass: inetOrgPerson

objectClass: clearAccount

objectClass: sambaSamAccount

cn: Andrew Faraday

loginShell: /bin/bash

I've spent a few days digging through slap config files, manuals and old (like, over a decade old) questions on this and I'm coming up blank. I've tried variants on all of these things:

  • Define a rule to build the dn differently for each user.
  • Allow authorisation rights on the uid attribute.
  • Set up an authz-regexp or sasl-regexp to convert input to a search string looking for uid.

None of these appear to have the desired effect. The regexp attributes appear to do nothing at all.

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    You might change the `DN`'s in the LDAP database to use `uid` as the leftmost `RDN`. Or do you wish to log in sometimes by `uid` and sometimes by `cn`? – Piotr P. Karwasz Feb 05 '20 at 06:44
  • @PiotrP.Karwasz I'd be happy to always log in by `uid`, but I can't find out how to configure that. – AJFaraday Feb 05 '20 at 16:49

1 Answers1


In LDAP there are two ways to authenticate: the simple mechanism and SASL.

The simple mechanism you are using requires you to bind against an exact Distinguished Name. So if you want to use your username instead of your fullname you have to change the DN, by using the following LDIF instructions:

dn: cn=Andrew Faraday, ou=Users, ou=Accounts, dc=company, dc=lan
changetype: modrdn
newrdn: uid=ajfaraday
deleteoldrdn: 0

However the SASL mechanisms are more flexible and you can map any login to an LDAP entry. You can also perform an LDAP search to find your DN. E.g., if you add the rewrite rules:

dn: cn=config
changetype: modify
add: olcAuthzRegexp
olcAuthzRegexp: gidNumber=([0-9]*)\+uidNumber=([0-9]*),cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth

you can locally authenticate to LDAP through the Unix socket:

ldapsearch -H ldapi:/// -Y EXTERNAL

Remark: You need to restart the server after changing the olcAuthzRegexp attribute for it to be taken into account.

Piotr P. Karwasz
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