Questions tagged [zip]

An archive file format that is used to bundle multiple files and folders together that may have been compressed.

93 questions
2 answers

Can a zipped malware execute?

I have a malicious file zipped in .gz which was not opened. However, when I tried to delete the folder containing the file, I wasn't able to due to running processes. Can a zipped malware execute itself in Windows?
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2 answers

How to recover a lost zip file password (Extract Zip Spec '2.0')

I want to recover my backup file, but I can't find the password. The password contains 12-20 characters (As!@$123) user@PC:/media/user/MyData$ zipdetails -v 0000000 0000004 50 4B 03 04 LOCAL HEADER #1 04034B50 0000004 0000001 14 …
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2 answers

Why FATCA IDES "protocol" does not use RSA encryption directly on Zip archive?

Here is the context: to transmit FATCA data to US IRS service the IDES protocol defines the following steps sign the XML Payload.xml file with enveloping signature, SHA-256 with RSA private key, as Payload-signed.xml. pack the signed XML…
Yves Martin
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1 answer

Can an attacker use a tarbomb to override vital parts of my system?

Can an attacker use a tarbomb to override vital parts of my system? A tarbomb, also sometimes written as tar bomb, is a tarball whose contents appear to explode into the current directory or some other existing directory containing a large number…
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1 answer

Can zip files be cracked if they were split into parts and only one part was available?

I am talking here about zip files that were compressed using basic protection and those using AES protection. In both cases, if only one of the many parts of the zip were available, will it be able to crack it?
2 answers

Why providing many protected zip files will increase the chance of retrieving the password

In fcrackzip man they say : the more files you provide, the better. I want to know why. What's the method it uses to retrieve the password?
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Gladman's file encryption library = AES in counter mode with HMAC-SHA1 authentication?

I would like to use Gladman's algorithm to create AES encrypted data in JavaScript. I use the Crypto-JS library, but its performance is horrible. PBKDF2 is terribly slow, so I switched to another library (SJCL) which seems to be over a lot…
Ramon de Klein
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0 answers

Can unzipping archive by itself cause malware execution?

It it possible to execute a malware just by unzipping a malicious zip archive? Like a malware would target some vulnerability in zip decompression routine. How common such an exploit would be in the wild?
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1 answer

Can I get malware from a .rar file without opening it in Android?

I was on a group with almost 200k people on it in Telegram. One of these members (probably new, his account is now deleted) sent me (and to other people too) a file named "Customer deposit H.rar", I proceeded immediately to delete it and analyze my…
2 answers

Site password being used to secure ZIP download, are they storing my password in plaintext?

Recently a utility provider has started to attach a zip file including my bill inside, however, they have secured the zip file using my online web account password. I am not too concerned about somebody getting my bill, however, it concerns me in…
1 answer

zip password cracking with permutation

I have a zip file (.zip created by 7zip v15.10) that I remember the password to (~12 characters long), but it seems I've typed the password wrong while zipping it and now it doesn't open. What are the best tools to recover the password based on the…
Kia Azad
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How to safely open two large files (.rar and zip) from google drive on mac?

I have two archived files which were shared with me on google drive. Im using a mac. Both are 9GB if I'm remembering correctly. The files are too large for google to scan for viruses, and too large to check with virus total. I believe they are safe,…
1 answer

Can I consider files compressed with password safe at all?

A follow up to my 7,5 years old question. Back 10-15 years ago, when I wanted to send an executable file over Gmail from my PC, all I had to do was to change file's extension to some meaningless one or compress that file with a password. The…
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0 answers

Recovery of files from a zip containing a directory (unencrypted) and 3 files (encrypred - ZipCrypto Deflate), possibe use of bkcrack?

I have a zip file, consisting of a directory Example and three files *.dat. I can see the names of all 3 files. The dat files are encrypted (ZipCrypto Deflate). I'm interested to know if I can use bkcrack, and am aware of the required:…
1 answer

How to recover lost zip file password?

I have a folder with very important files on my computer and I zipped it with a password for security reasons. Unfortunately, I'm not able to recover the password. Usually, I always use the same kind of passwords but I have done dozens of tries and…
Julien Mertz
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