Questions tagged [webview]

7 questions
1 answer

Isn't HTTPS enough to prevent MITM in mobile apps? Why is SSL Pinning needed?

I am making a webview that is going to be part of a native iOS and Android app, I implemented the webview using HTTPS as a protocol, and developed my NodeJS app there. But the security team from where I work, came with the following situation: "what…
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Is this url verification with startsWith secure?

I would like to know if this code is secure to validate that a url is from my domain before loading it a webview in android : if (!url.startsWith("")){ // don't load the url dontload = true; } It looks secure but…
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What is the impact of controling the content of a webview in Android?

I'm learning android application pen testing and I'm kinda lost about what can do an attacker that control the content of a webview ? I guess if there is no javascript enabled there is no impact, right ? But if there is JavaScript enabled but no…
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How would someone XSS into a WebView?

There are several articles about XSS vulnerabilities in Android/iOS WebViews. By WebView I mean the 'real' webview not SFSafariViewController or Chrome Custom Tabs. I understand the main concept of XSS. An example of Client XSS could be: redirecting…
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HTTP security headers for native and webview based mobile applications

OWASP Security Headers Project recommends the following security headers for web applications. Out of the following which headers are relevant to mobile applications? HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) Public Key Pinning Extension for HTTP…
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Understanding the Webview (html) code coming from the server

I am using an Android app downloaded from playstore and wanted to know whether the app uses Webview. So, I tried intercepting the network calls with the help of Charles (proxy) and I found out that page is actually a webview from coming from the…
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Why does my Cordova app contain an SQLite file with credit card tables?

We have created a mobile app that includes a view for payment with credit cards. We have used Cordova so we can pusblish our app for Android and iOS. During some tests an SQLite file was found on /data/data/[package]/app_webview/Web Data. This file…
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