I am using an Android app downloaded from playstore and wanted to know whether the app uses Webview. So, I tried intercepting the network calls with the help of Charles (proxy) and I found out that page is actually a webview from coming from the server and has the following code.

        <scr si="10" sts="U" ver="18" sti="109777" mi="CT" dd="N1104_c90`N1104_c130`N1104_c140`N1104_c80`N1104_c91`N1104_c131`N1104_c141`N1104_c81`MNDPLBL10`MNDPLBL20`MNDPLBL30`MNPDYBT0`MNPDYBT0`MNPDYBT1`MNPDYBT2`MNPDNBT0`MNPDNBT1`MNPDNBT2`" mwj="encrypt" ty="screen" cev="2" ceva="1001" irp="1" cty="3">
            <gds ne="24">
                <gd gi="g8" sti="106411" ne="1" sv="1" ty="grid" sh="1" dkc="6">
                    <com ci="userid" sti="102803" ty="ti" val2="10useridval2" dk="MUSERID0`MUSERID1" val0="10useridval0" mk="MUSERID" cf="Interstate-Light" itx="User Name" vl="6" dkc="10" />
                <gd gi="showgrd" sti="108220" ne="1" sv="1" ty="grid" sh="1" dkc="6">
                    <com ci="showname" sti="101784" ty="ti" cf="Interstate-Light" n="1" td="2" dkc="10" />
                <gd gi="g26" sti="109372" ne="1" sv="1" ty="grid" sh="1" dkc="6">
                    <com ci="c40" sti="10141881" ty="im" iif="1" dkc="6" />
                <gd gi="usergd" sti="108277" ne="1" sv="1" ty="grid" sh="1" dkc="6">
                    <com ci="txterr" sti="107346" tx="Please enter  the username" ty="tb" dkc="2" />
                <gd gi="Default Navigation Bar" sti="99998" ne="1" sv="1" sh="1" cty="4" dkc="6">
                    <com ci="Option Menu" sti="100369" ac="mxapi_SYSEXT" ano="1" tx="Back" im="icon_back" mwo="1" ty="opm" is="1" lrsk="2`0`0`0`0`0`1" dbk="1" bbo="1`1`1`1`1`1`0" bb10a="1" wmo="1`1`1`0`0`0`0" bb10ao="1" jmeo="1`1`1`1`1`1`1" vr="1" dkc="9" isac="1" />
                <gd gi="pwdgrd" sti="109680" ne="1" sv="1" ty="grid" sh="1" dkc="6">
                    <com ci="passwd" sti="103121" ty="ti" val2="10passwdval2" dn="1" cev="1" val0="10passwdval0" cf="Interstate-Light" cty="2" itx="Password" dkc="10" />
                <gd gi="errgrd" sti="105083" ne="1" sv="1" ty="grid" sh="1" dkc="6">
                    <com ci="txterr1" sti="101080" tx="Please enter the password" ty="tb" dkc="2" />
                <gd gi="rememberme" sti="109608" ne="1" sv="1" ty="grid" sh="1" dkc="6">
                    <com ci="remember" sti="109356" tx="Remember My User ID" ty="chrd" dm="1" cs="1" ke="1" dkc="5" icla="1" />
                <gd gi="g25" sti="105126" ne="1" sv="1" ty="grid" sh="1" dkc="6">
                    <com ci="other" sti="109890" ac="10" tx="Login as another user" ty="bt" va="OTHERUSER" dkc="8" />
                <gd gi="spacegrd" sti="107931" ne="1" sv="1" ty="grid" sh="1" dkc="6">
                    <com ci="c44" sti="106724" ty="sp" />

I wanted to fetch the username and password which is there over Webview, when the user clicks on the Sign On button. For that I wanted to fetch the id so that I can use document.getElementById() to fetch the values entered by user of the widgets but I am unable to do so.

In the above code, I found out that there is no script tag, not even mentioned that when we click on Sign In button, which script should get executed.

I am curious to know that like when a button is clicked, I wanted to know how this code is working.

I am really not getting the meaning of what is sti cti com tags, etc.

Are they custom tags? Also what is the meaning of the number which is there over sti tags?

Is there any approach such that when user clicks on the Sign In button, I can fetch what the user has given as input?

Can someone please help me regarding the same? Edit: Full source code can be found through this link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kG7ovPNjIjo3KrX1wSL1h8bSYwL6ixg_/view?usp=sharing

  • this is not html... xml maybe? It's data for something else to use. – pcalkins Oct 27 '20 at 19:57
  • @pcalkins Thanks for your response.I think it's an html page. Because it is starting from html tag. I am sharing full source code through this link. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kG7ovPNjIjo3KrX1wSL1h8bSYwL6ixg_/view?usp=sharing. – Nikhil_Coder Oct 28 '20 at 04:29

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