Questions tagged [udp]

UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is a simple connectionless transmission model formally defined in RFC 768.

92 questions
1 answer

how do you find all upd connections a remote server has?

Given an IP address of a server connecting to unknown clients via UDP, is it possible to find the IP address of all connected sessions on that server? I do not have access to the server, I would like to find out who is connecting to it.
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Will anyone figure out who I am if I am downloading torrent while logged in facebook in my browser?

I have protonvpn. I am downloading torrents. I don't want anyone to know that I am downloading torrents. I am also logged in to Facebook in my browser. So Facebook knows my VPN IP. And my ISP knows the IP from which I am downloading stuff using…
1 answer

Server is sending large amounts of encrypted UDP traffic

The hosting company of a client has shut down their Windows server twice in the past week because the server seems to be sending out massive amounts of outbound encrypted UDP DNS traffic. I have now configured the firewall to block any…
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Why is SNMP vulnerable to IP Spoofing?

I read on Wikipedia's Article on SNMP SNMPv1 and v2 are vulnerable to IP spoofing attacks, whether it runs over TCP or UDP, and is a subject to bypassing device access lists that might have been implemented to restrict SNMP access. I'd like…
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Why do firewalls focus on tcp and udp?

From what I can see, most firewalls seem to focus on tcp and udp. Why is that? Is it impossible or at least very unlikely for malware to use other protocols/custom protocols?
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Is UDP used for applications that require less security?

We often hear TLS over TCP socket and very famliar with its use case e.g. HTTPS. While I am learning Linux socket progamming, I read a An Introduction to OpenSSL Programming, Part I of II tutorial . (Obviously it's about TLS over TCP). Later on I…
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How does DTLS replace the transport encryption of TLS?

I've been reading the RFC for DTLS over UDP, but can't seem to understand, how the transport encryption aspect of TLS was handled. It reads to me, like they just didn't bother, since there can be Datagrams lost. Did I overlook, what they did…
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Vulnerabilities of DNS when utilized on a TCP port

There was some specific cyber security challenge (Cyber Cube 2018, GE). In one of the tasks, objective was to gain the access to some specific file that server included. After successfully solving some steps, there was a base64 encoded string:…
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If TCP is more "secure" than UDP, how would a practical UDP "attack" look, for example during the initiation of a MS RDP connection?

In accordance to the recent question Why is TCP more secure than UDP?. How would an "attack" look when it comes to the practical aspect? A great example would be the use of TCP or UDP for Microsoft Remote Desktop (RDP) sessions using the mstsc…
Bob Ortiz
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How to block an application with iptable which use random port

Scenario: My goal was to allow TeamViewer to connect to my home workstation from my laptop only. So I have tried to bind my laptop's MAC with an IPtables rule as following, [arif@arif:~]$ sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 5938 -m mac…
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2 answers

Find DNS Server of an IP over Internet

I know that many clients in the same network has a same DNS (Most of time but it can be changed.) But is there anyway to understand what DNS Server that an specific IP (Over Internet) uses through the weaknesses in UDP ? Update 1 : It's clear that…
2 answers

IP leakage on Skype through VPN

Does anyone know how the traffic behaves if you configure a VPN natively through SSTP (WIN or MAC)? Because most applications use the TCP, but Skype uses UDP. I try to formulate more specific questions: Is it true that the VPN works over TCP or via…
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HTTP/3 No more TLS or TCP

I was reading documentation about HTTP/3, and in the article, they sed that they are no longer TLS or TCP. So it's mean that a web site with no SSL 80 will be changed to what port and 443 will be replaced with what port? Also how CA will make SSL…
1 answer

What is the difference between DNS flood attack and UDP flood attack?

As title says, what is the difference between DNS flood attack and UDP flood attack? Plus, do they only exhaust the network bandwidth or do they also exhaust the server-side assets such as CPU, memory, etc?
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0 answers

Is TCP more secure than UDP?

I am referring to confidentiality not integrity. are there any security features that UDP lack compared to TCP? According to this paragraph While TACACS uses UDP port 49, TACACS+ uses TCP port 49 for increased reliability I am not sure if…
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